Our CRM Integration option allows you to seamlessly integrate your Goldfish.ie phone system with your CRM.
Deliver excellent customer service
Quvu, our Call Centre Management platform, seamlessly integrates with your own CRM system in order to increase staff efficiency and build customer satisfaction. Link inbound and outbound calls to your CRM database, ensuring all data and call information is kept up to date on every associated account. Easily arrange callbacks, attach a note to an account or simply alter account details using a single link from the dialler.
Integrations with global CRM systems
We have built-in integrations with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, ZohoCRM and SugarCRM, notwithstanding our ability to develop new integrations on the fly. Contact our Sales team to discover what we can do for you.

The key to productivity
More so than ever before, businesses need to rely on the latest technology solutions. One thing that hasn’t changed though is the need to deliver exceptional customer service. For your call centre, integrating your CRM system with our VoIP platform does just that.
As you may already know, call centres need access to a number of different technology solutions. One of the biggest challenges they face is to integrate these systems while keeping customer data consistent and up-to-date between them.
With our CRM integrations, you’ll never have to worry. All call data is shared between each system and updated in real-time. No more need to switch from one system to another during customer interactions.
Request a callback
To find out more about our CRM integrations, you can call us on 015547888 or email us instead sales@goldfish.ie. Alternatively, fill in your details in the form provided and we’ll get right back to you as soon as possible